Casual Swimming

Bookings can be made through your online customer portal. Hours may differ slightly from term to term due to learn to swim programs & squads.

Unanderra Hours:

Mon:  8am- 3.30pm

Tues:   8am- 3.30pm 

Wed:   8am – 3.30pm

Thurs: 8am- 3.30pm

Fri:      8am – 3.30pm

Tues – Fri: 7:00am – 8:00am

Mon – Fri: 1.30pm – 3.25pm

Mon & Wed:  7:00pm – 8:00pm

Note limited lane space during aqua aerobics classes Mon, Wed and Thur 8.30am – 10.30am 

Limited lane space on Thursdays for term 2 2024 due to school group attending the center between 1.30pm & 2.30pm.


Adult – $8.00

Concession* – $6.00

* Please note that “aged concession” refers to Aged Pension or Disability Pension only & Children 0 to 15yrs of age.

20 Visit Pass: valid for 3 months.

Adult – $144.00

Concession – $108.00

Unlimited 3 month pass:

Adult – $262.00

Concession – $180.00

Children 3yrs & under are required to be double layered in a fitted "Happy Nappy" and a disposal swimmer nappy underneath. This is regardless of whether they are toilet trained or not.
Swimmers over the age of 3yrs, who are not fully toilet trained, must also wear correctly fitted Swimmers Pants.

Swim for Fitness

Increase fitness while providing further stroke technique. A qualified coach will improve your technique, endurance & conditioning.

Casual visit – $14.50

10 visit pass – $135.00

60 minute session on Monday 7:00pm to 8:00pm